Nowadays, the market is saturated with products and services, and massages are no exception. Massage techniques are constantly being improved, perfected, and massage parlours come up with new knowledge and practices stemming from many studies focused on the human body, psyche, soul, astrological body, perception and similar aspects of human existence and being. Reflex massage and trigger point massage are two types of massage, but they are so similar and similar that they are practically always classified into one type. Their principle, program, course, techniques and goal are really very similar, practically the same.
As the name implies, reflex massages and trigger point massages are based on the fact that during the massage program masseuses repeatedly try to find and stimulate points that have a great impact on chronic body pain. The trigger point massage is based on the fact that with properly targeted pressures and movements, it is possible to regulate these pains precisely by stimulating specific points that are involved in unpleasant repeated pains. They are one of the options for combating chronic pain, whether mild or severe. Japanese shiatsu massage is also a unique type of massage that is intended for people looking for help with stress and anxiety.
It also belongs to those types of massage that are intended for beginners, i.e. people who have not participated in a massage before and would like to be absorbed in the secrets and progress of the massage world. It is a factory choice. Erotic massage is an original art using techniques and practices, beliefs that no other type of massage uses. It is a very intimate massage that takes place between a naked client and a naked masseuse, whom the client chooses according to their preferences and type even before the beginning of the erotic massage. There are many types of erotic massage.